Product Details for Material from INVENTEC - ASN62P36A2-0.50 - Solder; Sn62Pb36Ag2; wire; 0.5mm; 450g; Flux: No Clean, F-SW32; 2.2%

ASN62P36A2-0.50 INVENTEC Solder; Sn62Pb36Ag2; wire; 0.5mm; 450g; Flux: No Clean, F-SW32; 2.2%

Part Nnumber
Solder; Sn62Pb36Ag2; wire; 0.5mm; 450g; Flux: No Clean, F-SW32; 2.2%
Basic price
72,97 EUR

The product with part number ASN62P36A2-0.50 (Solder; Sn62Pb36Ag2; wire; 0.5mm; 450g; Flux: No Clean, F-SW32; 2.2%) is from company INVENTEC and distributed with basic unit price 72,97 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc, Weight is 0.47 Kg.

Solder type for soft soldering Alloy composition Sn62Pb36Ag2 Appearance wire Diameter 0.5mm Weight 450g Flux type halide-free, No Clean, F-SW32 Flux content 2.2% Package type reel Melting point 179°C Number of flux cores 1 Applications of soldering equipment SMD soldering

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(keyword ASN62P36A2-0.50 INVENTEC Solder; Sn62Pb36Ag2; wire; 0.5mm; 450g; Flux: No Clean, F-SW32; 2.2%)
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